What is cibersecurity and how to apply it in companies

January 3, 2022 ZTalent

Companies store vital information. Finances, customer data, bank accounts? Data that is the object of desire of countless cybercriminals. This is why cybersecurity is key to protecting against all kinds of cyber attacks. We tell you about it in this ZTalent SAP Hub blog post.

Cibersecurity at companies

Cybersecurity is not just about having an antivirus or firewall installed. Computer attacks or cyber-attacks can affect the company’s systems, preventing it from returning to normal for days if it is not able to find a solution. On the other hand, the theft of personal data that every company is obliged to protect can be a serious legal and reputational problem, not to mention the fact that a cybercriminal can sell information to our competitors.

Thus, cybersecurity is far from being a luxury for large corporations. It’s a necessity for all types of businesses, from the smallest to the largest multinationals. In order to make a company more secure from an IT systems point of view, a variety of measures must be taken.

In addition to keeping software and operating systems up to date, it is essential to always have the latest version of antivirus software, to control access to information and to train the weakest link in cybersecurity: people.

Secure access controls

Cloud storage services allow access to information from any device anywhere in the world. This is a great advantage that favors mobility, collaborative work and agile decision-making. However, only a provider that guarantees secure access and encrypted communications should be trusted.   On the other hand, each organization must be careful about the permissions it grants to its employees. The access control system can range from simple password entry to biometric recognition.

Up-to-date backups and antivirus software

Computer attacks can be of different natures. Some are capable of rendering computers unusable, so it is essential to always have up-to-date backups to prevent data loss. If information is lost or stolen, the company’s activity is paralyzed and a lot of time and money can be lost until the normal rhythm of work can be recovered.

The backup policy should determine the method, frequency, medium and type of storage. An alternative to physical copies is the use of cloud storage. Cloud servers are backed up at all times. Antivirus protection is essential to prevent data theft. Ideally, the tool of choice should detect computer threats, malicious URLs, phishing attempts, spam and any other attack attempts in real time.

Programs, applications and devices

Any digital tool used in the company must be protected against cyber-attacks: mobile devices, installed programs, downloaded applications or corporate networks, among others. An action as simple as updating programs and digital tools significantly increases the level of protection.

Each new software version usually includes security patches for detected vulnerabilities. It’s also advisable to monitor network activities, protect the WiFi connection by making the network invisible, change the router password or control access from mobile devices.


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